Summary of August’s Meeting

Summary of August’s Meeting

Disclaimer: Edited for public viewing. This summary may not contain all items discussed in the business or public meetings. Names mentioned are limited to Officers of OCGS.

Hello Society Members,

Well, one more month and the heat should break.

Correspondence was steady for the month. We were able to help 5 people with different types of research needed. One person shared with us a 104-year-old flyer listing over 100 locals in a play. She has offered to donate the original. When she does we will post it to our site and share on Facebook.

Old business consisted of following up on previous motions approved. Traci is working on the NGS book order and should receive them in September. The domain name for the Okmulgee Cemetery was purchased. The Okmulgee Cemetery Association has given us a generous donation as a result of our willingness to help them with their website needs. Last but not least, our test site has been uploaded allowing Traci to test new ideas before going live on our main website.

New business was light with the only motion being to purchase a software editing program to help with our test site.

With that we adjourned the business meeting and had a delightful presentation from Nancy Calhoun concerning how to trace your female lines in your ancestry. This presentation was open to the public and was attended by several guests who saw our notices posted on facebook and with other genealogical societies.

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