QUICK LINKS to site pages with Okmulgee County facts and history
Cemeteries | Partial list of cemeteries in Okmulgee County collected on OKGenWeb with misc. burial information on approx. a dozen cemeteries. |
Military records | Direct link to information compiled by The USGenWeb Project |
Obituaries – Misc. | Over 400 obituaries that have been submitted to The USGenWeb Project (Dates appear to be between 2003 and 2010) |
Henryetta 1949 Phone Book | Submitted to The USGenWeb Project |
Yearbook – Misc. | Selected pages from the Okmulgee High School yearbook from 1923 to 1927. (Please see the research options on the OCGS Yearbook page in the column to the right for a list of yearbooks which can be researched by the OCGS) |
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