We are in the process of locating online records for cemeteries located in Okmulgee County. If you know of any sites, please email us so OCGS can try to include them here.
-Okmulgee Cemetery: In May 1984, the Genealogical Society in Salt Lake City began microfilming the Okmulgee Cemetery Association records from 1909 to 1984. The completed microfilm rolls can be found in library collections across the United States. However, the original microfilm did not contain an index to the information recorded.
A BETA version index – based on the microfilm rolls – to the Cemetery’s pre-1984 Burial Cards has been added to this website, below. You can search for burials by Surname and Given name.
SEARCH HINTS: Sometimes less is better. Partial names are allowed. Some first names only have the intial(s). Also, when searching women, several burials were recorded as “Mrs. John Smith” instead of “Jane Smith”.
Future Plans include being able to search by Lot and Section in order to look at surrounding burials.
Feedback is appreciated.
Burial Index Cards vary tremendously on how much information is recorded. From virtually nothing – – to some pretty interesting information.
If you would like a copy of the actual Burial Index Card, please send $5 along with a SASE or E-mail address to OCGS at P.O. Box 805, Okmulgee, OK 74447. Be sure to include the Record ID with your request.
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