“Hastain’s Township Plats of the Creek Nation“, (pub. in 1910 by E. Hastain), can be found free online. The plat maps show the location within each Township/Range (T/R) of each allotment. The maps lists the names of allottees, their roll number, and whether the allotment was a homestead.
To look by NAME or ROLL #:
Use a Name, or Roll #, to look up the original T/R map here: Oklahoma Historical Society. Many individuals received allotments in more than one location which can be found using this database. To see the allotment on a modern map follow the steps below.
NOTE: If the links below stop working, please drop us a line at ocgs@okmcgs.com.
The website historicmapworks.com, provides an overlay of the Hastain maps on a modern map. Below, are links to specific areas in Okmulgee County.
Click on one of the link of interest below. You will be taken to a page showing an overlay map. Use the “MAP OPACITY” slider to make the allotment map more transparent. This allows you to view a modern map in order to locate the specific area of each allotment.
NOTE: The site will require registration in order to take you directly to the page in the link. After registration, come back and click on the link. (If you have any questions feel free to email us at okmcgs.com).
West Okmulgee to Okmulgee Lake (T13R12):
East Okmulgee towards Morris (T13R13):
East Henryetta & Dewar (T11R13):
The following abbreviations are used on the maps:
C. Creek by blood
F. Freedman
MC. Minor Creek
NBC. New Born Creek
NBF. New Born Freedman
(d) Deceased
(h) Homestead
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